Pay as you go pricing plans are available for all customers. If you are an enterprise customer please email sales at to get in touch with sales.
Money Collected from Accepted Bid
2% of Value Paid
As the money comes in we charge 2% to the involved parties.
Collection Agency Places Bid
Cost to place a bid on a bad debt
Upload Collection to Auction
2% of value, $100 maximum
Cost to upload a bid
Plan Features & Pricing (non-enterprise)
Pay as you go
Additional Users (2 or more)
Cost per additional user is $9.99/month
Zoey/Dialer Number Purchased
$29.99/Number/Month + $9.99 initiation fee
Cost per additional Zoey number per month. Same for Dialer, billed separately.
Call Initiated AR
30 Cents per initiated call
When Zoey calls one of your customers to follow up on an overdue payment
Call converted to collect payment AR
When Zoey calls one of your customers to follow up on an overdue payment
Email Initiated
10 Cents per initiated email
When Zoey emails one of your customers to follow up on an overdue payment
Email converted to collect payment
When Zoey calls one of your customers to follow up on overdue payment
Sales Call Initiated
20 cents per initiated call
When Zoey calls one of your customers to initiate a sales flow
Call converted to sales
1% of value of sale
When Zoey calls one of your customers to initiate a sales flow and transacts a sale
Online Payment
1% for ACH, 3.0% + 49 cents for Credit/Debit
When someone pays online for an invoice
Send Money Balance to Balance
When you send money from your balance to another person on the Kaizen Network using Wallet*
Bank Transfer *Bank to Bank
When you send money from your balance to another person on the Kaizen Network using bank to bank transfer (includes EChecks)
Withdraw Balance to Bank
When you withdraw from your balance to your bank account
Collection Agency Upload Charge
2% Charge $100 max
When you upload a debt
Collection Agency Membership Fee
When you sign up as an agency
Money Collected from Accepted Bid
2% of Value Paid
As the money comes in we charge 2% to the involved parties.
Collection Agency Places Bid
Cost to place a bid on a bad debt
Document Subscription Standard
To create up to 5 documents per month
Document Subscription Advanced
To create up to 20 e-documents per month
Bill Pay Physical Check
1% of check value $20 maximum
Paying a vendor w/check
Letter Physical
B&W Letter First Class - $2.76 Color Letter First Class - $3.21 B&W Letter Standard - $2.22 Color Letter Standard Class - $2.70 B&W Letter, Certified Trackable w/o Electronic Return Receipt $10.00
$0.30 per B&W page will be charged, $0.60 per Color page will be charged
Sending a letter
Compliance AI
$200 per 200k refill
Using Compliance AI
Skip Tracing
$200/month + $1.00 per hit
Skip Tracing
Plan Features & Pricing (Enterprise)
Pay as you go
Additional Users (2 or more)
Cost per additional user is $9.99/month
Zoey Number/Dialer Number Purchased
$29.99/Number/Month + $9.99 one time initiation fee
Cost per additional Zoey/Dialer numbers per month. Billed separately.
Call Initiated AR
20 Cents per initiated call
When Zoey calls one of your customers to follow up on an overdue payment
Call converted to collect payment AR
When Zoey calls one of your customers to follow up on an overdue payment
Email Initiated
10 Cents per initiated email
When Zoey emails one of your customers to follow up on an overdue payment
Email converted to collect payment
When Zoey calls one of your customers to follow up on overdue payment
Sales Call Initiated
20 cents per initiated call
When Zoey calls one of your customers to initiate a sales flow
Call converted to sales
1% of value of sale
When Zoey calls one of your customers to initiate a sales flow and transacts a sale
Online Payment
0.30% for ACH, 3.0% + 49 cents for Credit/Debit
When someone pays online for an invoice
Send Money Balance to Balance
When you send money from your balance to another person on the Kaizen Network using Wallet*
Bank Transfer *Bank to Bank
When you send money from your balance to another person on the Kaizen Network using bank to bank transfer (includes EChecks)
Withdraw Balance to Bank
When you withdraw from your balance to your bank account
Collection Agency Service Charge
2% Charge $100 max
When you upload a debt
Money Collected from Accepted Bid
2% of Value Paid
As the money comes in we charge 2% to the involved parties.